If this site was a book, this post would be the Acknowledgement Page
Support from the git-go: Laurie my wife, David my uncle
Navigation, snacks and proof-reading: John W Davis, Forester Extraordinaire
Geological & Quarry Expert: Jim "Asphalt" Wiedman
Geological & Quarry Expert: Jim "Asphalt" Wiedman
Pals with Navy ID who drove me onto the bases: Commander Carl Neumann, Captain Horst Sollfrank
Details & historical tips on local ponds: Marilyn & Tom Carnes
Encouragement (a guy who strides up hills without sweating): Brad Baker
Assorted El Cajon Pond suggestions: Zan Fink
Foreign Correspondents & Co-Explorers: Chris & Debby
Foreign Correspondents & Co-Explorers: Chris & Debby
Technical assistance with Blogger & Web: No one else, it's all my fault
Unless otherwise credited, I have taken all the photographs, either from water, land or plane. I decided to show only lakes I have personally visited, and use photos I have taken.
NOTE: Drones are prohibited over many reservoirs, dams, parks, military bases, etc. I decided not to use drone photography.
Many PAGES contain documents that I received from lake staff, or images of signs. These graphical materials come from the government or private agency that operates the lake.
Lake maps or satellite images came from Apple, Google, Windy, AllTrails, San Diego County Government, or US Topographical sources.
My primary interest is exploration of the lake, its location and access. I'm a driver, boater and photographer, not a fisherman, archeologist or sociologist. I will provide information about where, how and when to find a lake but generally will not discuss archeology, ancient history, flora or fauna. I won't talk about rock climbing or hang gliding above these lakes.
Because I'm an old retired guy on Medicare, I am not leaping across chasms, flipping myself over barbed wire fences, or ramming gates with my truck. We ask permission if possible and tread lightly if not.
Camera Equipment
- Sony RX10 iv
- iPhone 11 Pro
Computers & Software
- Apple iMac 27" (2 of them)
- Apple iPad Air Pro
- Apple Aperture (Yes, I know it has been discontinued)
- Adobe Creative Suite 6 local (likewise)
- Sony ImagingEdge
- Google Blogger
- AllTrails Hiking App
- Apple Maps
- Garmin Navigation (Honda version)
- Google Maps
- LatLongData for elevations and topography
- Route XL trip planning software
- San Diego County
- Windy Maps
- Honda Ridgeline 4WD Pickup
- Chevy Volt Hybrid
- Lotus Elan
Unless otherwise credited, I have taken all the photographs, either from water, land or plane. I decided to show only lakes I have personally visited, and use photos I have taken.
NOTE: Drones are prohibited over many reservoirs, dams, parks, military bases, etc. I decided not to use drone photography.
Many PAGES contain documents that I received from lake staff, or images of signs. These graphical materials come from the government or private agency that operates the lake.
Lake maps or satellite images came from Apple, Google, Windy, AllTrails, San Diego County Government, or US Topographical sources.
My primary interest is exploration of the lake, its location and access. I'm a driver, boater and photographer, not a fisherman, archeologist or sociologist. I will provide information about where, how and when to find a lake but generally will not discuss archeology, ancient history, flora or fauna. I won't talk about rock climbing or hang gliding above these lakes.
Because I'm an old retired guy on Medicare, I am not leaping across chasms, flipping myself over barbed wire fences, or ramming gates with my truck. We ask permission if possible and tread lightly if not.